Webinar: Playfulness in our Practice

Join us as we delve into the concept of Playwork Theory, adult playfulness and its transformative impact on our interactions with children.

Don't miss this opportunity to rediscover the joy of play and unlock new possibilities in your professional journey.

Playfulness in Our Practice is a thought-provoking webinar by Birdwings Forest School.
As champions of play, we understand the importance of fostering a playful mindset not only in children but also in adults.

Join us as we delve into the concept of Playwork Theory, adult playfulness and its
transformative impact on our interactions with children.

Explore how embracing playfulness can enrich our practice, spark creativity, and deepen connections
with the children we work with.

Register now and embark on a playful exploration with Birdwings Forest School!

What's included?

For $49 this course offers you:

- participation in a live interactive webinar (1.5 hours, July 3, 2024)
- access the recording of the live webinar
- discount code to access other online courses.

Kate Hall


The team at Birdwings have set up a unique learning experience like no other on the Gold Coast. Children learn to be empowered, create, innovate and build a strong, caring connection to the natural world. They all this through the act of authentic play and the positive encouragement of their carers. As a fellow educator, I know how important this unique experience is in the digital world of the 21st century. The Birdwings are real educators, with real pedagogy and I can’t recommend them enough.

Charlotte Binyon


This course has really made me open my eyes and see the outside world in a different way, I am now feeling like I can bring my inner child through into the play with my daughter. Fun fun fun is the way!

Birdwings Forest School

The Gold Coast's first Forest School - providing intuitive nature connection programs for children and families.

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